Check It Out: The greatest power grab in history

By Joan Janzen

Here’s a riddle for you. Question: Do you know how an electrician tells if he’s working with alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) power? Answer: If it’s AC, his teeth chatter when he grabs the conductors. If it’s DC, they just clamp together.

This week’s topic is about a different type of power grab. American media personality Dr. Drew interviewed Michele Bachmann, Dean of Regent University, who spoke about the “greatest power grab in human history” that would impact every human being on earth. She’s referring to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) health treaty.

“Here is the challenge,” she said. “This coming January, the finalized amendments and health treaty will be presented publicly, so we can read it. However, the WHO has already announced they will not have their documents done in time. According to their own rules, that means they shouldn’t be allowed to proceed next May at the World Health Assembly,” she explained.

Nevertheless, they will go ahead and proceed. They intend to have their final written documents done and given to the delegates of the World Health Assembly at the last minute so they won’t have time to read them.

“Then they’ll say let’s go ahead and approve it,” Bachmann speculated. “That’s what their intention is, but we have time between now and then to alert more people.”

Anyone can go to and click on the documents, read the proposed amendments, and read the treaty for themselves. “They’re very clear of what their intention is. They are telling us what they propose to do. It’s so audacious that’s why it’s difficult to believe it’s true,” Bachmann observed.

She said the documents show the arrogance of decision-makers who will make decisions for every area of our lives. They will have the power of censorship and the ability to decide what is misinformation.

She explained their concept of “one health,” which includes environment, animals and humanity. “Those making decisions won’t elevate the needs of humans over the environment. The needs of the environment can be elevated over the needs of humans,” she said.

Decisions can be justified by a very small elite group called the Council of the Parties, who will meet in a constitutional convention. “They don’t have to ask the nations for permission; they’ll be able to change rules and make rules without having to get it ratified by all 194 member nations,” she explained.

The way the adoption of international health rules works is if nations don’t object, then the amendments are passed. Today, there are 307 proposed amendments to the international health rules as well as the global Pandemic Treaty. Those would be merged into one document.

“The bottom line would be the same; international health care decisions would be removed from national decision makers. That decision-making would be transferred to global governing authorities like WHO,” Bachmann explained. “Once we transfer sovereignty over decision-making to the international health care body, we don’t get that authority back. The WHO could announce a public health emergency, and nations would be without remedy and couldn’t appeal to our government because we would have already transferred decision-making to the WHO.”

Dr. Drew asked his guest why there’s not a major panic about this since it’s such a threat to our sovereignty?

Bachmann responded, saying very few media outlets have talked about it, even though it’s been around since 2022. “They thought they could go under the radar in 2022 when they met in Geneva, Switzerland, at the 75th World Assembly,” she said. There was scant media in Geneva, Switzerland, covering the convention. However now, alternative western media have been covering it, so people are getting to know this is a real and viable threat.

Thanks to an individual from Botswana, Africa, who objected to the amendments, the amendments didn’t go through, and the power grab didn’t materialize. “The worst thing we could do is give away that level of power to international decision-making bodies that we can’t trust,” Bachmann noted.

“President Chairman of the WHO is also head of the Chinese Communist Party. I would have a hard time distinguishing between those two titles,” Dr. Drew added. And even though the Director-General of WHO is not a doctor, he would be able to override the WHO Emergency Committee’s decision, as was the case on July 23, 2022.

“This is the most upside-down idea I’ve ever heard of,” Dr. Drew said.

Bachmann agreed, saying, “I’m a federal tax litigation attorney and researcher on education projects. I’ve read a lot of really bad ideas, but this is probably the worst idea I’ve ever read.”

A lot of people are starting to pick up on this now, and Bachmann urged people to contact their government representatives and urge them not to give sovereignty over healthcare to the WHO. “This is not time to be silent,” she advised.


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