Fuel 94 disbands - donates funds to STARS


Fuel 94 actually started in 1993 with seven farmers who decided to purchase their fuel together. The group received a substantial discount.

In 1994, other farmers joined the original group. The volume of this group increased and so did the discount.

In 1995, the group tendered. Turbo, because of an accidental fire gave up the group and Shell honoured the tender. They took the yearly tender until the closing of the bulk station in North Battleford.

The following years - ESSO in North Battleford got the tender with the group growing to 120 members.

The tender was taken over by UFA from Provost. They had it until 2023. In March 2023, because of a decrease in membership, the group decided to close.

Over the years we ended up with $4200 and decided to give this amount to STARS.

Raymond Herzog presents a cheque for $4,200.00 to STARS in Saskatoon. SUBMITTED


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