Generous Donations!

Thank you to the 2022 KCS Graduates for their generous donation of $2070.47 to purchase new chairs for the Arena warm room! Pictured here is 2022 Graduate Emma Fillion presenting the cheque to Bobbi Hebron, Kerrobert Recreation Director.

Thank you to Mr. Affeldt for his generous contribution towards the purchase of a new and needed compressor to operate the Memorial Arena Ice Plant. The compressor is slated to be installed in mid July. Completing that and other projects including major board repairs should have us up and running for an October 1 opening.Mr. Affeldt can be seen every winter in the arena cheering for our local teams. His generosity is very much appreciated! If you are interested in donating to this $30,000 project, please contact the Rec Office at 834-2344.


Crescent Point releases 2023 ESG report


Vandalism at Kerrobert Fairgrounds