Kerrobert Multiple 4-H Club News

By Brooklyn Shepherd

Exciting news from the Kerrobert Multiple 4-H Club. Thursday, November 4th we had our first 4-H meeting. We talked about all the different projects there are. We have beef, which is where you learn how to care for an animal and many more fun things, which is led by Bob Prieston. Then we have archery. In archery we learn proper safety, how to care for a bow, and how to shoot a bow. The project leader is Dwaine Thiessen.

New this year we have outdoor living and Writing Skills A-Z. Both are led by Kim McKenzie. Since we have never done these projects in our club before, we don’t have a lot of information at the moment, but we’ll keep you posted once the projects are rolling.

Are you interested in joining 4-H or do you want more information? We are always accepting new members. Contact our group leader Dwaine if you are interested.

The Kerrobert Multiple 4-H Club is accepting old car batteries. If you have any you would like to get rid of, just contact Dwaine at 306-834-8061.


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