Letter: Journalists talking to locals

Good day, Kindersley news. I read with great interest the article written by Joan Janzen. It is about which journalists are talking to locals.

What she reiterated is so true. One really has to have their wits with them when hearing news from all mainstream journalists these days. They will never tell you the truth but will definitely bend it to what they want to tell you, and it must be taken with a few grains of salt.                           

Facts that pop up first is the Freedom Convoy that went to the nation's Capital and the so-called trials of some of its organizers. The Media and federal Gov. paint them as being the enemies of Canada, but in reality and the real world, they are just the opposite. So much corruption and cover-up on so many levels of Government. This is so true for so many other issues that have seen the light of day, such as the fires that are being battled in so many provinces.   

It seems like more and more Government officials are making decisions and doing stuff they don't understand and have no knowledge of but are telling the average Canadian and listener to trust them. Need more salt.

Thank you for your time, and I am looking forward to future editions of the Kindersley Newspaper.

Ed Lowenberger
Gull Lake, SK


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