Remember these award winners from 1993?

By Joan Janzen

Thirty years ago, students from Tramping Lake, Leader, Eatonia, Marengo, Luseland and Prelate won awards for their projects during the Regional Science Fair held in Leader in 1993. An article in the April 14th issue of the West Central Crossroads reported on the event.

The three top awards during the fair went to students from Tramping Lake. Brothers Mark and Denis Mercier’s project studying the effects of coal smoke on plants, earned them a trip to the Canada-wide science fair in Quebec.

PHOTO: Mark and Denis Mercier from Tramping Lake represented the west central region at the science fair in Quebec. The brothers won the top prize at the Leader Regional Science Fair in 1993. WEST CENTRAL CROSSROADS, APR. 14, 1993

Grade 7 student, Scotty Volk from Tramping Lake, won for his project: “The Effects of Frost on Seed Growth”. He also went on to attend the science fair in Quebec. Brent Kraft, another Tramping Lake student, received an award for his work on “Wind Energy”.

Tramping Lake’s Vanessa Heit and Corinne Cey received recognition for their “Bean Germination” project. Dean Lothammer from Eatonia’s “Mechanical Arm” project garnered recognition, as did Leader’s Sarah Parkinson’s project on “Weight Watchers”.

Ryan Wunsch from Leader earned a trip to the Winner’s Showcase in Regina for his exhibit “Effects of Temperatures on Corn Snakes”. Rhonda Stewart from Leader also went to Regina for her project entitled “Video Vibes”.

A project on “Solar Energy” by Marengo students, Megan Payne and Karen-Ann Lee, earned an award. Colin Reschny from the school in Luseland received a watch for his “Heavy Oil” project.

In 1993, St. Angela’s Academy in Prelate was still operating, and student, Lesia Tratch won an award for her display “Effects of Soda Pop on Teeth”. During one month’s study she determined that Pepsi resulted in the highest percentage loss of mass on teeth, which she obtained with the assistance of her dentist father.


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