Soup is on!

By Joan Janzen

The aroma of homemade soup filled the kitchen at 800 - 12th Avenue East in Kindersley. A half dozen volunteers from the Loaves and Fishes group were busy chopping, stirring and sautéing as they combined all the ingredients to create four vast pots of delicious homemade soup.

After it simmers for several hours, it’s allowed to cool before being packaged and frozen in family-size portions. Those portions are available for anyone who has an emergency situation and requires a quick meal. Whatever the situation may be, the frozen soup packages are there to fill the need.

A quote by Augusta Escoffier states, “Soup puts the heart at ease, calms down the violence of hunger, eliminates the tension of the day, and awakens and refines the appetite.” The folks at Loaves and Fishes hope their labour of love will satisfy hunger pangs and help eliminate the tension of the day.

Barbe Dunn and a half dozen volunteers from Loaves and Fishes were busy making homemade soup, which is available for emergencies in the community.



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