The Beginning and End of Kindersley’s Oil Refinery

By Joan Janzen

There are nuggets of information contained in Kindersley’s history book entitled ‘Kindersley Memories.’ One of the articles describes the Goose Lake Oil Refinery, which was formed in 1936 in Kindersley. It all started when a few farmers from the area decided they could get their fuel cheaper if they shipped in crude oil and refined it in town.

They sold shares at $1.00 each. Meanwhile, a similar operation opened in Rosetown. However, Kindersley’s refinery was short-lived, closing its doors one year later, in 1937. During that year, an office was built from lumber from the old exhibition grounds on the west side of town. A spur track was installed, tanks were brought in, and a storage shed was erected. This was all located a mile east of Kindersley, south of the highway.

The history book noted that there was a great whistleblowing on the evening of the refinery closing, and firecrackers were set off. The storage shed exchanged hands several times before moving to 7th Avenue East, where it became a residence.


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